The Soundwalk at the Fuller Initiative Land Lab (FILL) is an augmented reality installation blending the real landscape with animations and composed field recordings. These are experiments to test the potential of this media and to interpret the history and possible futures of this site. These experiments focus on river pathways, cottonwood trees, bird flight paths, invertebrates, and industrialzation.
Installation in collaboration with Masayo Simon (animation, signage), and Lisa Schoenberg (audio, written prompts).
This installation is part of a larger landscape installation highlighting and communicating the seven ecoregions of Oregon. More can be read about it here, along with media reports on the installation.

Signage marked the entry points of the soundwalk installation
Maintenance installations made collaboratively with Abby Pierce and Masayo Simon are used as the "triggers" for the AR. These are sheets of Reemay fabric wrapped and staked around metal hoops.

Aerial view of soundwalk installation. Drone footage by Jason Chinitz-Mital